Here is an Englsih translation of the sections of the Malian constitution pertinent to the discussion of women's rights. For the Full Constitution in the Original French see here.


The sovereign people of Mali, with its strong traditions of heroic struggle, committed to stay true to the ideals of the victims of repression and the martyrs fallen on the field of honour for the advent of a state of law and pluralist democracy,

  • Affirms its commitment to preserve and strengthen the democratic gains of the Revolution of March 26, 1991,
  • Solemnly commits to uphold the republican and secular state,
  • Proclaims its determination to defend the rights of Women and Children as well as cultural and linguistic diversity of the national community,
  • Reaffirms its determination to maintain and consolidate national unity,
  • Undertakes to ensure improved quality of life, environmental protection and cultural heritage,
  • Agrees with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948 and the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights of 27 June 1981,
  • Reaffirms its commitment to the achievement of African Unity, to promote peace, regional and international cooperation, peaceful settlement of disputes between States in respect of justice, equality, freedom and the sovereignty of peoples.


ARTICLE 1: The human person is sacred and inviolable. Everyone has the right to life, liberty, security and integrity of his person
ARTICLE 2: All Malians are born and remain free and equal in rights and duties. Discrimination based on social origin, colour, language, race, sex, religion and political opinion is prohibited.
ARTICLE 3: No one shall be subjected to torture or inhuman, cruel, degrading or humiliating treatment. Any individual or public official who is guilty of such acts, either on his own initiative or on instructions will be punished according to law.
ARTICLE 4: Every person has the right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion, worship, opinion, expression and creation in compliance with the law.
ARTICLE 5: The State recognizes and guarantees, under conditions laid down by law, freedom of movement, free choice of residence, freedom of association, assembly, procession and demonstration.
ARTICLE 6: The home, concerns, private and family life, secrecy of correspondence and communications are inviolable. They can not be encroached upon save in the manner provided by law.
ARTICLE 7: Freedom of press is recognized and guaranteed. It is exercised under conditions laid down by law. Equal access for all to state media is provided by an independent body whose status is determined by organic law.
ARTICLE 8: The freedom of artistic and cultural creation is recognized and guaranteed. It is exercised under conditions laid down by law.
ARTICLE 9: Punishment is personal. No person shall be prosecuted, arrested or charged except under a law enacted prior to the acts alleged against him. Every defendant is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court. The right to defense, including that of being assisted by counsel of his choice is guaranteed from the preliminary investigation.
ARTICLE 10: Any person subject to a deprivation of liberty has the right to be examined by a doctor of his choice. No person may be detained for a period exceeding forty eight hours without a reasoned decision of a magistrate's court order. No person may be detained in a prison without a warrant issued by a magistrate of the judiciary.
ARTICLE 11: Nothing is not prohibited by law can be prevented and no one may be compelled to do anything not provided.
ARTICLE 12: No one may be forced into exile. Any person persecuted for political or religious beliefs, his ethnicity, is eligible for asylum in the Republic of Mali.
ARTICLE 13: The right to property is guaranteed. Property may only be expropriated for public purposes and against just and prior compensation.
ARTICLE 14: Freedom of enterprise is guaranteed within the framework of laws and regulations.
ARTICLE 15: Everyone has the right to a healthy environment. Protection, environmental protection and the promotion of quality of life are a duty for all and for the state.
ARTICLE 16: In the event of a declared national emergency, all citizens have the duty to assist, as provided by law.
ARTICLE 17: Education, instruction, training, work, housing, recreation, health, and welfare are recognized rights.
ARTICLE 18: Every citizen has the right to education. Public education is compulsory, free and secular. Private education is recognized and exercised under the conditions defined by law.
ARTICLE 19: The right to work and to rest is recognized and is equal for all. Work is a duty for every citizen, but nobody can be forced to do a given job work except in the case of performance of outstanding service to the public interest, equal to everyone in the conditions determined by law.
ARTICLE 20: Freedom of association is guaranteed. Unions operate freely and without limits other than those provided by law.
ARTICLE 21: The right to strike is guaranteed. It is exercised within the framework of existing laws and regulations.
ARTICLE 22: Defence of the homeland is a duty for every citizen.
ARTICLE 23: Every citizen must work for the common good. He must fulfill all its civic obligations including payment of tax contributions.
ARTICLE 24: Every citizen, every person living in the Malian territory has the duty to respect the constitution in all circumstances.