The following is all the references relating to women mention in the Koran. The version used is Penguin Classic's 1997 edition translated to English by N. J. Dawood.

Treatment of Women

By one of his signs he created you from dust; and, behold, you became humans and multiplied throughout the earth. By another sign He created for you spouses from among yourselves, that you might live in peace with them. And planted love and kindness in your hearts. -- The Greeks 30:17

He created you from a single soul, then from that soul He created its spouse, He has given you four different pairs of cattle. He moulds you in your mothers' wombs by stages in threefold darkness. -- The Throngs 39:3

(we enjoined man to show kindness to his parents, for with much pain his mother bears him and he is not weaned before he is two years of age. We said: 'Give thanks to Me and to your parents [...]') -- Luqman 31:12

You people! Have fear of your Lord, who created you form a single soul. From that soul He created its spouse, and through them He bestrewed the earth with countless men and women.

If you fear you cannot treat orphans [female orphans] with fairness, then you may marry other women who seem good to you: two, three, or four of them. But if you fear that you cannot maintain equality among them, marry one only or any slave-girls you may own. This will make it easier for you to avoid injustice.

Be they men or women, the hypocrites are all alike. -- Repentance 9:67

God has promised the hypocrites, both men and women. And the unbelievers, the fire of Hell. -- Repentance 9:68

The true believers, both men and women, are friends to one another. -- Repentance 9:71

God has promised the men and women who believe in Him gardens watered by running streams, in which they shall abide forever. --Repentance 9:72

As for the helpless men, women and children who have neither the strength nor the means to escape, God may pardon them: surely God pardons and forgives. -- Women 4:98

Be they men or women, to those that embrace the Faith and do what is right, We shall grant a happy life; We shall reward them according to their noblest deeds. -- The Bee 16:98

Those who submit to God and accept the true Faith; who are devout, sincere, patient, humble, charitable, and chaste; who fast and are ever mindful of God – on these, both men and women, Got will bestow forgiveness and a rich recompense. -- The Confederate Tribes 33:35

It is not for true believers – men or women- to order their own affairs if God and His apostle decree otherwise. The Confederate Tribes 33: 36

God shall surely punish the hypocrites and the idolaters, both men and women; but to believing men and believing women He shall show mercy. -- The Confederate Tribes 33: 73

Enter Paradise, you and your spouses, in all delight. -- Ornaments of Gold 43:71

Those that persecute believers, men or women, and never repent shall be rewarded with the scourge of Hell. -- The Constellations 85:10

They consult you concerning women. Say: 'God has instructed you about them, and so have the verses proclaimed to you in the Book, concerning the orphan girls whom you deny their lawful rights and refuse to marry; also regarding helpless children. -- Women 4:26

Woman shall with justice have rights similar to those exercised against them, although men have a status above women. The Cow 2:226

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. -- Women 4:34

They ask you about menstruation. Say: 'It is an indisposition. Keep aloof from women during their menstrual periods and do not approach them until they are clean again; when they are clean, have intercourse with them whence God enjoined you. -- The Cow 2:222

Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please. -- The Cow 2:222
If any of your women commit a lewd act, call in four witnesses from among yourselves against them; if they testify to their guilt confine them to their houses till death overtakes them or till God finds another way for them. -- Women 4:13

You shall not force slave girls into prostitution in order that you may enrich yourselves if they wish to preserve their chastity. If anyone compels them, God will be forgiving and merciful to them. -- Light 24:33

If a woman fears ill-treatment or desertion on the part of her husband, it shall be no offence for them to seek a mutual agreement, for agreement is best. -- Women 4:26

Try as you may, you cannot treat all your wives impartially, do not set yourself altogether against any of them, leaving her, as it were, in suspense. If you do what is right and guard yourselves against evil, you will find God forgiving and merciful. If they separate, God will compensate both out of His own abundance. -- Women 4:26

Prophet, if believing women come to you and pledge themselves to serve no other deity besides God, to commit neither theft, nor adultery, nor child-murder, to utter no monstrous falsehoods of their own invention, and to disobey you in nothing reasonable, accept their allegiance and implore God to forgive them. -- She who is Tested 60:12


Men shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen leave; and women shall have a share in what their parents and kinsmen leave: whether it be little or much, they shall be legally entitled to a share. -- Women 4:6

God had thus enjoined you concerning your children:

A male shall inherit twice as much as a female. If there be more than two girls. They shall have two thirds of the inheritance, but if there be only one she shall inherit half. Parents shall inherit a sixth each, if the deceased have a child; but if he leave no child and his parents be his heirs, his mother shall have a sixth after payment of any legacy he may have bequeathed or any debt he may have owed. -- Women 4:10

You shall inherit the half of your wives' estate if they die childless. If they leave children, a quarter of their estate shall be yours after payment of any legacy they may have bequeathed or any debt they may have owed.

Your wives shall inherit one quarter of your estate if you die childless. If you leave children, they shall inherit one eighth, after payment of any legacy you may have bequeathed or any debt you may have owed.

If a man or a woman leave neither children nor parents and have a brother or sister, they shall inherit one sixth. If there be more, they shall equally share the third of the estate, after payment of any legacy he may have bequeathed or any debt he may have owed, without prejudice to the rights of the heirs. Women 4:12

Believers it is unlawful for you to inherit the women of you deceased kinsmen against their will, or to bar them from re-marrying, in order that you may force them to give up a part of what you have given them, unless they be guilty of a proven lewd act. Treat them with kindness; for even if you dislike them, it may well be that you dislike a think which God has meant for your own abundant good. Women 4:19

Believers, when believing women seek refuge with you, test them, God best knows their faith. If you find them true believers, do not return them to the infidels; they are not lawful for the infidels, nor are the infidels lawful for them. But hand back to the unbelievers the dowries they gave them. Nor is it an offence for you to marry such women, provided you give them their dowries. Do not maintain your marriages with unbelieving women: demand the dowries you gave them and let the infidels do the same. -- She who is Tested 60:10


Lawful for you are the believing women and the free women from among those who were given the Book before you, provided that you give them their dowries and live in honour with them, neither committing fornication nor taking them as mistresses. -- The Table 5:5

Take in marriage those among you who are single and those of your male and female slaves who are honest. -- Light 24:32

You shall not marry the women whom your fathers married: all previous such marriages excepted. That was an evil practice, indecent and abominable.

Forbidden to you are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your paternal and maternal aunts, the daughters of your brothers and sisters, your foster-mothers, your foster-sisters, the mothers of your wives, your step-daughters who are in your charge, born of the wives with whom you have lain (it is no offence for you to marry your step-daughters if you have not consummated your marriage with their mothers), and the wives of your own begotten sons. You are also forbidden to take in marriage two sisters at one and the same time: all previous such marriages excepted. Also married women, except those whom you own as slaves. All women other than these are lawful for you, provided you court them with your wealth in modest conduct, not in fornication. Give them their dowry for the enjoyment you have had of them as a duty; but is shall be no offence for you to make any other agreement among yourselves after you have fulfilled your duty. -- Women 4:20-4:24

If any one of you cannot afford to marry a free believing woman, let him marry a slave-girl who is a believer/ Marry them with the permission of their masers and give them their dowry in all justice, provided they are honourable and chaste and have not entertained other men. If after marriage they commit adultery, they shall suffer half the penalty inflicted upon free adulteresses. -- Women 4:25

Give women their dowry as a free gift; but if they choose to make over to you a part of it, you may regard it as lawfully yours. -- Women 4:1

Mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years if the father wishes the sucking to be completed. They must be clothed and maintained in a reasonable manner by the child's father. None should be charged with more than one can bear. A mother should not be allowed to suffer on account of her child, nor should a father on account of his child. The same duties devolve upon the father's heir. But if after consultation, they choose by mutual consent to wean the child, the shall incur no guilt. Nor shall it be any offence for you if you prefer to have a nurse for your children, provided that you pay her what you promise, according to usage. The Cow 2:233

If you fear a breach between man and his wife, appoint an arbiter form his people and another from hers. If they wish to be reconciled, God will bring them together again. -- Women 4:34

Widows shall wait, keeping themselves apart form men, for four months and ten days after their husband's death. When they have reached the end of their waiting period, it shall be no offence for you to let them do whatever they choose for themselves, provided that it is decent.

It shall be no offence for you openly to propose marriage to such women of to cherish them in your hearts. God knows that you will remember them. Do not arrange to meet them in secret, and if you do, speak to them honourably. But you shall not consummate the marriage before the end of their waiting period. The Cow 2:233

You shall bequeath your widows a year's maintenance without causing them o leave their homes; bur if they leave of their own accord, no blame shall be attached to you for any course they may deem reasonable to pursue. Reasonable provision shall also be made for divorced women. That is incumbent of righteous men. -- The Cow 2: 234


Divorce may be pronounced twice, and then a woman must be retained in honour or allowed to go with kindness. It is unlawful for husbands to take from them anything they have given them, unless both fear that they may not be able to keep within the bounds set by God; in which case it shall be no offence for either of them if the wife redeems herself.

These are the bounds set by God; do not transgress them. Those that transgress the bounds of God are wrongdoers. The Cow 2:229

It shall be no offence for you to divorce your wives before the marriage is consummated or the dowry settled. Provide for them with fairness; the rich man according to his means and the poor man according to his. This is binding on righteous men. If you divorce them before the marriage is consummated but after the dowry has been settled, give them the half of their dowry, unless they or the husband agree to waive it. Do not forget to show kindness to each other. -- The Cow 2:234

If you wish to replace one wife with another, do not take from her the dowry you have given even if it be a talent of gold. That would be improper and grossly unjust; for how can you take it back when you have lain with each other and entered into a firm contract. Women 4:20

Those that renounce their wives must wait four months. If they change their minds, God is forgiving and merciful; but if they decide to divorce them, know that God hears all and knows all.

Divorced women must wait, keeping themselves from men, three menstrual courses. It is unlawful for them, if they believe in God and the Last Day, to hide what God has created in their wombs: in which case their husbands would do well to take them back, should they desire reconciliation – The Cow 2:226

When you have renounced your wives and they have reached the end of their waiting period, either retain them in honour or let them go with kindness. But you shall not retain them in order to harm them or to wrong them. Whoever does this wrongs his own soul.

If a man has renounced his wife and she has reached the end of her waiting period, do not prevent her from remarrying her husband if they have come to an honourable agreement. This is rejoined on every one of you who believes in God and the Last Day; it is more honourable for you and more chaste. The Cow 2:230

Believers, if you marry believing women and divorce them before the marriage is consummated, you are not required to observe a waiting period. Provide well for then and release then honourably. -- The Confederate Tribes 33:45

Prophet (and you believers) if you divorce your wives, divorce them at the end of their waiting period. Compute their waiting period and have fear of God, your Lord. You shall not expel them from their homes, nor shall they go away, unless they have committed a proven lewd act. Such are the bounds set by God. He that transgresses God's bounds wrongs his own soul.

When their waiting term is ended, either keep them honourably or part with them in honour. Call to witness two honest men among you and give your testimony before God. Whoever believes in God and the Last Day is exhorted to do this. --Divorce 65:1

If you are in doubt concerning those of your wives who have ceased menstruating, know that their waiting period shall be three months. The same shall apply to those who have not yet menstruated. As for pregnant women, their term shall end with their confinement.

Lodge them in your own homes, according to your means. You shall not harass them so as to make life intolerable for them. If they are with child, maintain them until the end of their confinement; and if, after that, they give suck to the infants they bore you, give them their pay and consult together in all reasonableness. But if you cannot tolerate each other, let other women suckle for you. -- Divorce 65:4

God had heard the words of her who pleaded with you against her husband and made per plaint to God. God has heard what you two said to each other. [this refers to Khawlah, daughter of Tha'labah, who had been divorced by the formula : 'Be to me as my mother's back', which was accepted as a declaration of divorce among pagan Arabs.]

Those of you who divorce their wives by declaring them to be their mothers should know that they are not their mothers. Their mothers are those only who gave birth to them. The words they utter are unjust and false.

Those who divorce their wives by so saying, and afterwards retract their words, shall free a slave before they touch each other again. He that has no slave shall fast for two successive months before they touch one another. If he cannot, he shall feed sixty of the destitute. -- She Who Pleaded

If any of your wives go over to the unbelievers and you subsequently gain victory over them, pay those whose wives have fled the equivalent of the dowries they gave them. -- She who is Tested 60:10

If a man divorces his wife, he cannot remarry her until she has wedded another man and been divorced by him; in which case it shall be no offence for either of them to return to the other, if they think that they can keep within the bounds set by God.


The adulterer and the adulteress shall each be given a hundred lashes. Let no pity for them cause you to disobey God, if you truly believe in God and the Last Day; and let their punishment be witnessed by a number of believers.

The adulterer may marry only an adulteress or an idolatress; and the adulteress may marry only an adulterer or an idolater. True believers are forbidden such marriages.

Those that defame honourable women and cannot produce four witnesses shall be given eighty lashes. Do not accept their testimony ever after, for they are great transgressors – except those among them that afterwards repent and mend their ways.

If a man accuses his wife but has no witnesses except himself, he shall swear four times by God that his charge is true, calling down upon himself the curses of God if he is lying. But if his wife swears four times by God that his charge is false and calls down His curse upon herself if it be true, she shall receive no punishment. -- Light 24:1-24:6

Those who defame honourable but careless believing women shall be cursed in this world and in the world to come. Light 24:23

Unclean women are for unclean men, and unclean men for unclean women. But good women are for good men, and good men for good women. These shall be cleared of calumny; forgiveness, and a generous provision, await them. -- Light 24:24


Enjoin believing women to turn their eyes away form temptation and to preserve their chastity; not to display their adornments (except such as are normally revealed); to draw their veils over their bosoms and not to display their finery except to their husbands, their fathers, their husbands' fathers, their sons, their step-sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women-servants, and their slave-girls; male attendants lacking in natural vigour, and children who have no carnal knowledge of women. And let them not stamp their feet when walking so as to reveal their hidden trinkets. -- Light 24:30

Prophet enjoin your wives, your daughters, and the wives of true believers to draw their veils close round them. That is more proper, so that they may be recognized and not be molested. The Confederate Tribes 33:45 – 33:57

It shall be no offence for old spinsters who have no hope of marriage to discard their cloaks without revealing their adornments. Better if they do not discard them. --Light 24:58

Wives of the Prophet

Wives of the Prophet! Those of you who clearly commit a lewd act shall be doubly punished. But those of you who obey God and His apostle and do good works shall be doubly recompensed; for them We have made a rich provision.

Wives of the Prophet, you are not like other women. If you fear God, do not be too complaisant in your speech, lest the lecherous-hearted should lust after you. Show discretion in what you say. Stay in your homes and do not display your finery as women used to do in the days of ignorance. Attend your prayers, give alms and obey God and His apostle.

Women of the Household, God seeks only to remove uncleanness from you and to purity you. Commit to memory the revelations of God and the wise sayings that are recited in your dwellings.

Those who submit to God and accept the true Faith; who are devout, sincere, patient, humble, charitable, and chaste; who fast and are ever mindful of God – on these, both men and women, God will bestow forgiveness and a rich recompense.

It is not for true believers – men or women- to order their own affairs if God and His apostle decree otherwise.

You [Mohamed] said to the man [Zayd, Mohamed's adopted son] whom God and yourself have favoured: 'Keep your wife and have fear of God' You sought to hide in your heart what God was to reveal. [Mohamed's intention to marry Zayd's wife] You were afraid of man, although it would have been more proper to fear God. And when Zayd divorced his wife, We gave her to you in marriage, so that it should become legitimate for true believers to wed the wives of their adopted sons if they divorced them. -- The Confederate Tribes 33:29 – 22:34

Prophet we make lawful for you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave-girls whom God has given you as booty; the daughters of your paternal and maternal uncles and of your paternal and maternal aunts who fled with you; and any believing woman who gives herself to the Prophet and whom the Prophet wishes to take in marriage. This privilege is yours alone being granted to no other believer.

We well know the duties We have imposed on the faithful concerning their wives and slave-girls. [we grant you this privilege] so that none may blame you.

You may put off any of your wives you pleas and take to our bed any of them you please. Nor is it unlawful for you to receive any of those whom you have temporarily set aside. That is more proper, so that they may be contented and not vexed, and may be pleased with what you give them.

It is unlawful for you [Mohamed] to take more wives or tho change you present wives for other women, though their beauty please you, unless they are slave-girls whom you own. -- The Confederate Tribes 33:45 – 33:51

If you [believers] ask his [Mohamed's] wives for anything, speak to them from behind a curtain. This is more chaste for your hearts and their hearts.

It shall be on offence for the Prophet's wives to be seen unveiled by their fathers, their sons, their brothers, their brothers' sons, their sisters' sons, their women, or their slave-girls. Women have fear of God. The Confederate Tribes 33:53

On the Idea of Female Angels as Daughters of God

They [unbelievers] foist daughters on God (glory be to Him), but for themselves they choose what they desire. When the birth of a girl is announced to any of them, his countenance darkens and he is filled with gloom. On account of the ban news he hides himself from men: should be put up with the shame or bury her in the earth? How ill they judge! -- The Bee 16:55

What! Has your Lord favoured you [the unbelievers] with sons and He himself adopted daughters from among the angels? A monstrous blasphemy is that which you utter. --The Night Journey 17:38

Ask the unbelievers if it be true that God has daughters, while they themselves choose sons. Did We create the angels females? And were they present at their creation? Surely they lie when they declare: ' God had begotten children'

Would he choose daughters rather than sons? What has come over you that you should judge so ill?

Will you not take heed? Have you a positive proof? Show us your scriptures, if what you say be true! -- The Ranks 37:149

Yet they [the Meccans] assign to Him offspring from among His servants. Surely man is monstrously ungrateful. Would God choose daughters for Himself and sons for you alone?

Yet when the birth of a girl is announced to any of them his countenanced darkens and he is filled with gloom. Would they ascribe to God females who adorn themselves with trinkets and are powerless in disputation?
They regard as females the angels who are God's servants. Did they witness their creation?
[The pagan Arabs believed that the angels, and their own goddesses, were daughters of Allah.] -- Ornaments of Gold 43:11

Is He to have daughters and you [the unbelievers] sons? -- The Star 52: 35

Have you thought on Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, and on Manat, the third other? Are you to have the sons and He the daughters? This is indeed an unfair distinction! [Names of Arabian idols, claimed by the pagans of Mecca to be daughters of God.] -- The Star 53:7