
Wedding Gifts

Wedding Gifts
It is the responsibility of the bride's relatives to see she has as wedding gifts all the necessary equipment to run a home. Oh the groom will probably furnish the house with things like mattresses a bed, a wardrobe a television/entertainment center any of the big fancy stuff that he wants and can afford but the, rugs and blankets and sheets and kitchen utensils will come with the bride. They will also go with the bride if she gets divorced, which is a good thing since this is a one time deal. Any future marriages by the woman will be modest affairs attended only by the couple the imam and two witness and gifts are limited to the dowry and any other thing her husband wishes to bestow on her. Read More...

The Timbuktion House

My house in Timbuktu
I have had a lot of questions about houses and how people live here in Timbuktu here are answers to a few questions about houses and their furnishings. Read More...